Monday, December 31, 2007

Missing Piece #8: Buried Secrets

Episode 105: Buried Secrets

Monday, December 24, 2007

Missing Piece #7: Artz & Crafts

Episode 112: Arzt And Crafts

Monday, December 17, 2007

Missing Piece #6: Room 23

Episode 104: Room 23

Ben: What’s happening?
Juliet: He did it again.
Ben: Did what again?
Juliet: You know.
Ben: Well, you’re going to have to tell him to stop doing it.
Juliet: I’m not going in there.
Ben: Fine. Get Beatrice.
Juliet: She’s not going in there either, Ben. None of them will. Tom won’t even bring him food. They’re all scared. Look, Ben, his father is out there looking for him. We could bring him back.
Ben: No.
Juliet: This is your responsibility. You were the one who wanted him here.
Ben: Jacob wanted him here. He’s important. He’s special.
Juliet: He’s dangerous.
Ben: He’s just a kid, Juliet. He’s a child.
Juliet: He’s just a child? Come see.
Juliet: What kind of child does this?

Monday, December 10, 2007

Missing Piece #5: Operation: Sleeper

Episode 106: Operation: Sleeper

Juliet: It’s ok.
Jack: What happened?
Juliet: We need to talk, Jack.
Jack: Ok.
Juliet: Ever since I got here, the people in your camp, Sayid, Sawyer, they don’t trust me. They think that I am here to hurt them. And it’s only a matter of time before they figure out…
Jack: I’m not going to let anything happen to you.
Juliet: Thank you. Please let me finish. It’s only a matter of time before they figure out that they’re right.
Jack: What?
Juliet: They shouldn’t trust me. I’m still working for him, for Ben. He sent me here to study the women to find out which ones were pregnant.
Jack: Why?
Juliet: So we can take them. He promised me no one would get hurt.
Jack: He promised you?
Juliet: Listen, Jack.
Jack: How could you? I thought, that you were one of us. I saw it. You wanted to get on that submarine as bad as I did.
Juliet: But I didn’t get on it. And neither did you. Just… I guess I thought that it was actually going to happen. That we would get off this island. I was naïve to think that he would let us.
Jack: Let us? Ben was in a wheelchair. Locke blew up that submarine.
Juliet: Did he?
Jack: So you’re only here because he sent you here?
Juliet: Yeah.
Jack: Why are you telling me this now?
Juliet: Last night with Sun, we saw the baby growing inside her. If she’s still on this island in about a month, both of them will be dead. I’ve been living Benjamin Linus’ dream for three years. Three years. It’s time to wake up.

Monday, December 03, 2007

Missing Piece #4: The Deal

Episode 110: The Deal

Juliet: Hello Michael. I'm Juliet
Micheal: What do you want?
Juliet: The boat that you asked for, they wanted me to tell you, it's yours
Micheal: Good.
Juliet: Beatrice told me you saw your son. I've spent some time with him, with Walt. He's a very interesting kid, he's very smart. He's very special.
Micheal: What do you mean special?
Juliet: Well, he's not an ordinary boy. Which is why, I'm worried about him. So I'm very glad you agreed to do this for us. I'm glad that you're going to get him away from here.
Micheal: You expect me to believe that you give a damn about my son?
Juliet: Believe it or not Michael, I'm not your enemy.
Micheal: Oh you're not, huh?
Juliet: No I'm not. The man in your camp, the one you're going to free. His name is Ben. He's very important.
Micheal: Is he the one who can get me off this island?
Juliet: Yes.
Micheal: Will He?
Juliet: Yes, he will.
Micheal: I guess I just supposed to take your word for that, huh?
Juliet: I guess you are. I made a deal with him too,
Micheal: Then why are you still here?
Juliet: Because he saved my sister's life.
Micheal: Where is she?
Micheal: But you had to stay? What's the point in saving her life, if can't be with her?
Juliet:Wouldn't you do anything to save Walt? You have your list. Good Luck.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Missing Piece #3: King Of The Castle

Episode 101 - King Of The Castle

Ben: So this must be strange to you.
Jack: Not really. Been a while but my dad taught me to play when I was a kid.
Ben: Actually I was talking about you being here, with us.
Jack: I got what I wanted.
Ben: It’s been a long time since I had anybody with a little skill to play against. I don’t suppose there’s anything I could do to convince you to stick around. [Laughs]. Relax Jack. Just an idle question. We have a deal, I fully intend to honor it.
Jack: Intend to, or you will?
Ben: Well it’s not entirely up to me. If the island doesn’t want you to leave, it won’t let you.
Jack: What the, the island’s going to sink the sub?
Ben: No. No. I promise you I won’t do anything to prevent you from getting home. But if you do leave this place, the day may come when you want to return.
Jack: Never.
Ben: I’ve learned never to say never. And if that day comes, I hope you remember this conversation.
Ben: Was a nice try though.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Missing Piece #2: The Adventures of Hurley and Frogurt

Episode 103 - The Adventures of Hurley and Frogurt

Frogurt: Hello Hurley.
Hurley: Frogurt.
Frogurt: It's Neil.
Hurley: Neil.
Frogurt: What are you doing in Rose and Bernard's tent, Hurley?
Hurley: Nothing.
Frogurt: Nothing, huh? Looks to me like you snagged some DHARMA cabernet.
Hurley: Bernard said I could borrow it.
Frogurt: No worries, bro. I'm not here to get up in your scene. If you wanna steal from Bernie, steal from Bernie. I just have a question for you. What's going on with you and Libby?
Hurley: What do you mean?
Forgurt: I mean are you going to make a move or not?
Hurley: None of your business, dude.
Frogurt: Look tubby, you're holding up the line. You and I both know you're not going to get past doing laundry with her, so how about you back off, and let a real man show her what's what.
Hurley: Really?
Frogurt: Really.
Hurley: Well it just so happens I'm way past laundry. Yeah that's right. In fact, I've got a date with Libby right now. We're going on a picnic.
Frogurt: You got a date with her?
Hurley: Yeah. I'm bringing the wine, she's bringing the blankets.
Frogurt: Well played, Hurley. Well played. But this isn't over. If you can't close with sweet Libby, it's Neil time - now and forever.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Missing Piece #1: The Watch

Episode 107 - The Watch

Christian: What'cha doing there kiddo?
Jack: Just throwing rocks.
Christian: Good, good. Get all that rock throwing out before you get married.
Jack: It was either this, or being inside with Sarah and the Wedding Planner figuring out where all the flowers should go.
Christian: Wise choice. Listen, before tonight, before, before things get crazy, I wanted to give you something. This was my dad's and I jus... I thought it would only be fitting.
Jack: I've never seen you wear it before.
Christian: Well that's because I never did. Your grandfather didn't really like your mother, and you know, he thought marrying her was a mistake. He told me, to my face, that the day that I got married, an then he gave me this watch. So I never wore it.
Jack: Dad... are you trying to tell me something?
Christian: Unlike me, you have made..the absolute right choice.
Jack: Thank you,
Christian: Oh here, that's yours.
Jack: I guess this is really happening, huh?
Christian: oh, a soon as they arrange those flowers, and you run out of rocks...
Jack: There's a lot of rocks out here.
Christian: Would you do me a favor? If you and Sarah ever have a kid, try to treat him a little better than I treated you.
Jack: No pressure, right?
Christian: I'll see you inside, kiddo.
Jack: Yeah, yeah

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